In the form where you put your search criteria use the 'target' attribute.

Something like:
            <html:form action="/search"  target="_new">

In 'target' you are supposed to tell the form to which frame it will be
forwarded, but if you set the target to a non-existent frame, it'll open a
new window.

Hope this helps :)


                       Luis Olivares.
           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  "Intelligence is the ability to avoid doing
       work, yet getting the work done"
                  --Linus Torvalds--

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 8:26 AM
Subject: How to open a new browser window in struts

> Hi,
> I am new to Struts.
> I am having a form where in the user can enter the search criteria and
> click the submit .
> We need to  show the search results in a new window as popup.
> If I use actionMapping.findForward() in the perform method of Action
> class it shows the results in the same window.How can I  display the
> results in the new window.????
> Can anyone pull me out from this problem?????
> Thanks in advance,
> Yugandhar

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