Technically, the nightly releases are "pre-betas". When the time comes,
there would be a formal beta (or "release candidate). But I don't think
we are anywhere near that point yet ;-)

BinhMinh Nguyen wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently using Struts 1.0 and very happy with
> it.
> But when I tried overnight version of struts1.1, I
> have alot of problems. I dont want to switch into
> version 1.1 yet since it is not stable for now, but in
> the other hand, I want to up front too.
> my decision is now based on how soon the next beta
> version of struts 1.1 is out and how long after beta,
> a release version is out.
> this will help us make the decision very much
> thank you
> Binh
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