
Hi.  I have just posted a reply to earlier note which should cover this too, and
provides an example.  I also posted some full example code in an earlier post:

Note, this uses indexed attribute in the nightly builds to update the vector -
you don't need it if  you just want to display stuff.

Re: select, just set up a collection in your action and add it to the form bean.
Then use this with a form tag.  For example, I add a collection called
possibleSeverities to my form bean, and have a currentSeverity which is a
string.  The severities are displayed, and the one selected is set in
currentSeverity when the form is submitted.  Here's the snippet:

      <html:select property="currentSeverity" size="4">
         <html:options property="possibleSeverities"/>




Shawn Sohl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 10/05/2001 12:04:52 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Iterate/Select Tags

> I have searched for example on how to use these tags and I have come up
> empty.  Can some one point to some great documentation
> with real world examples on how to use these tags.
> If not here is my scenario.  I am passing a Vector to a JSP page and
> that vector is a number of beans.  So this code
> is not working
> <jsp:useBean id="testlist" class="java.util.Vector" scope="request" />
> <logic:iterate id="test" collection="<%=testlist%>">
>                 <tr>
>                    <td>Job</td>
>                    <td><bean:write name="test" property="txtJob" /> </td>
>                    <td>Job Title</td>
>                    <td><bean:write name="test" property="txtJobTitle" />
> </td>
>         </logic:iterate>
> One question is how does the iterate tag know which bean to use.  Dont I
> have to define a bean object that states the type
> of bean that is inside of the vector.
> In regards to "Select/Options" tags, I need all kinds of help.  I need to
> know everything from setting up my Form objects to
> using the "Select" tag to loop through a vector of bean objects and
> the values............
> Please Help!

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