
  There is some mismatch in your code ;-)

  First, in your <insert>, you put several time an attribute using the same name
(linknormal). Each addition overload previous value, so only the last value
  Second, in your submenu.jsp, you iterate on both lists, but you do logic on
external beans, not on bean resulting from iteration.
  Such external beans (novalue, linkbold, linknormal) exist because you have
imported them from tiles attribute list, and  "put" them in attribute list from

  Personally, I would create a third list, holding flags like bold, link,
separator, ... Such flags indicate what I would like to do with an item.
  In submenu.jsp, I would iterate also on third list to check flag values, and
do appropriate output.
    I have put the proposed code at the end. I haven't check it, so some typo
error may remain. Let us know if it works for you.

  I am currently working on a new Tiles feature that will simplify such
construct. The idea is to allow to <put> or <add> a bean. You specify bean
class, and properties values. In your case, there will be 3 properties (item,
link, flag). For other menus, there could  also have (img, tooltips, ...).
Menu.jsp will be also simplified because you will iterate on only one list.
Logic will apply on each iterated bean properties.


  Proposed code for <insert> looks like :

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tiles.tld" prefix="comp" %>
<comp:insert page="/hfa/common/submenu.jsp" flush="true">

<comp:put name="title" value="submenu" />

<comp:putList name="items" >
<comp:add value="Create" />
<comp:add value="Search" />
<comp:add value="Requests:" />
<comp:add value="Drafts" />
<comp:add value="In Process" />

<comp:putList name="links" >
  <comp:add value="create.jsp" />
  <comp:add value="search.jsp" />
  <comp:add value="" />
  <comp:add value="drafts.jsp" />
  <comp:add value="inprocess.jsp" />

<comp:putList name="flags" >
  <comp:add value="linkbold" />
  <comp:add value="linknormal" />
  <comp:add value="nolink" />
  <comp:add value="linknormal" />
  <comp:add value="linknormal" />


Tile submenu.jsp will be :

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tiles.tld" prefix="comp" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.Iterator" %>

<%-- Push Tiles attributes in page context --%>
<comp:importAttribute />

<bean:define id="links"  name="links" type="java.util.List" scope="page" />
<bean:define id="items" name="items" type="java.util.List" scope="page" />
<% Iterator linksIterator = links.iterator(); %>
<% Iterator itemsIterator = items.iterator(); %>

<logic:iterate id="flag" name="flags" type="java.lang.String"  scope="page">

<% // Compute link value
            String link = (String)linksIterator.next();
            String item = (String)itemsIterator.next();

<logic:equal name="flag" value="nolink">

<logic:equal name="flag" value="linkbold">
<B><a href="<%=link%>"><%=item%></a></B>

<logic:equal name="flag" value="linknormal">
<a href="<%=link%>"><%=item%></a>


iT meDic wrote:

> Hello all , i have a problem on which i have been stuck for 3 days, i have
> asked numerous developers and worked on this problem for days but to no
> avail, i would be extremely grateful if you could advise me on how to
> overcome this monstrous beast!
> I am using the struts framework components to create a componentized
> submenu. I used the struts example(tiles) to build upon the submenu which is
> being generated dynamically using this file:-
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tiles.tld" prefix="comp" %>
> <comp:insert page="/hfa/common/submenu.jsp" flush="true">
> <comp:put name="title" value="submenu" />
> <comp:putList name="items" >
> <comp:add value="Create" />
> <comp:add value="Search" />
> <comp:add value="Requests:" />
> <comp:add value="Drafts" />
> <comp:add value="In Process" />
> </comp:putList>
> <comp:putList name="links" >
> <comp:add value="create.jsp" />
> <comp:add value="search.jsp" />
> <comp:add value="nolink" />
> <comp:add value="drafts.jsp" />
> <comp:add value="inprocess.jsp" />
> </comp:putList>
> <comp:put name="novalue" value="nolink" />
> <comp:put name="linkbold" value="Create" />
> <comp:put name="linknormal" value="Search" />
> <comp:put name="linknormal" value="Drafts" />
> <comp:put name="linknormal" value="In Process" />
> </comp:insert>
> The two lists are straight forward(one item and the other links), the issues
> i have are the following
> Basically i need to do three states. The first is to have a link which is
> bold(eg. create) the second state is to have nolink(eg Requests), and the
> third state is to have a normal link. I would like to represent all three
> states in one page. When i execute the page, for some reason i can get the
> process to work however, create and request are repeated as normal links.
> So i get the desired result, create is bold, request has no link, and drafts
> is a normal link, but create and request is repeated as normal links!!!
> I have tried 1 million and one things and it does not work, it could be
> something very simple but i do not see it. I would appreciate any help ..
> thank you
> Here is the submenu.jsp file which is called upon from the page above.
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tiles.tld" prefix="comp" %>
> <%@ page import="java.util.Iterator" %>
> <%-- Push component attributes in page context --%>
> <comp:importAttribute />
> <bean:define id="links" name="links" type="java.util.List" scope="page" />
> <% Iterator i = links.iterator(); %>
> <logic:iterate id="linknormal" name="items" >
> <bean:define id="item" name="linknormal" type="java.lang.String"
> scope="page" />
> <% // Compute link value
>             String link = (String)i.next();
>         %>
> <logic:equal name="novalue" value="<%=link%>">
> <%=item%>
> </logic:equal>
> <logic:equal name="linkbold" value="<%=item%>">
> <B><a href="<%=link%>"><%=item%></a></B>
> </logic:equal>
> <logic:equal name="linknormal" value="<%=item%>">
> <a href="<%=link%>"><%=item%></a>
> </logic:equal>
> </logic:iterate>
> Also tried to do it this way:-
> All i did was to replace the id to iterateItems
> <logic:iterate id="iterateItems" name="items" >
> <bean:define id="item" name="iterateItems" type="java.lang.String"
> scope="page" />
> but the problem with this approach is that it only picks up just one of the
> logic:equal 'linknormal'(actaully the last one), eg, it would only spit out
> In Process(and it will hide drafts and search), it won't allow me to pass
> multiple values for the same logic:equal ...
> and i also have tried numerous other methods, still stuck ... will really
> really appreciate any feedback.
> Cheers,
> it_medic
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