James Holmes wrote:

> I have the "fix" for multiple config files almost
> done.  I need to create the patch and send out an
> email, but in the mean time you can use:
> http://www.ejcenter.com/struts/ActionServlet.java
> Just recompile the 1.0 source with the above file and
> then in your web.xml file you can use a comma (",")
> delimited list of config files for the "config"
> <init-param>.  If you have any questions let me know.

An alternative to modifying the Struts source is to simply subclass 
ActionServlet and override the initMapping() method with the version from James' 
patch above.  You can specify your subclass in the web.xml file instead of 
ActionServlet and then the comma-separated feature will work.

James, are you planning on submitting this to the Struts code base?

Eric Rizzo, Software Engineer
OpenNetwork Technologies
I embrace my personality flaws, for without them
I might have no personality at all.

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