I have an iterate tag and the body of this tag prints out a link to forward.
I need to pass multiple parameters to the link one of which is a property of
the current bean in the iteration.  
I tried doing the following :

    java.util.HashMap args = new java.util.HashMap(2); 
    args.put("adjType", "send");
<logic:iterate id="result" name="searchadjustments" property="results"
scope="session" offset="<%=fromRecord%>" length="20">
  <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;<html:link forward="getAdjustment" name="args"
scope="page"><bean:write name="result" property="senderRef"

I get the error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean args in scope page 

How can I make the HashMap accessible to the link tag or is there a better
way to do this?

Kimberly MacKellar
Thomson Financial Publishing

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