Any particular reason you have to use static method? Can you turn it into an instance method?

  public class A {
    public ArrayList getMyArray() {

(The worst case is you have this instance method calling your static method.)


  <logic:iterate id="listID" name="keyA" property="myArray">

At 01:29 pm 24-10-2001 -0500, you wrote:
I'd like to retrieve an ArrayList from a public static method (getMyArray)
in class A to iterate through this ArrayList in my jsp.  An instance of this
class A is saved in session scope after successful login.

in class A:
    public static ArrayList getMyArray(A a)
                // the Arraylist will contain B objects

I don't know how to code the bean:define to get this ArrayList out.  I can
get the instance of A with this:

<bean:define id="myA" name="keyA" type="com.mycompany.A" scope="session" />
<bean:define id="myArray" name="myA" ???? type="java.util.ArrayList" />

<logic:iterate id="listID" name="myArray" type="com.mycompany.B" >

Please help.  Thanks for your time.


John Yu                       Scioworks Technologies
e: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         w: +(65) 873 5989
w:  m: +(65) 9782 9610

Scioworks Camino - "Rapid WebApp Assembly for Struts"

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