There already is a FAQ, here:

I agree with the sentiment behind your suggestion, though. The real problem
is that many people don't refer to the FAQ, and don't check the mailing list
archives, before posting their own questions to the list. Unfortunately,
these are typically the same people who believe that their own time is more
valuable than that of other people on the list.

I don't know what the best solution is for this problem. Moderating the list
is one option, but with the typical daily volume of this list, I don't see
anyone readily volunteering for that task. ;-) Perhaps the best we can do is
to collectively enforce the "do your own research first" reaction.

So whenever you read a message that asks a question that is already on the
FAQ list, don't reply with the answer, but reply with a reference to the FAQ
which supplies the answer. And if you see a question being asked repeatedly,
propose it as a candidate for the FAQ.

If we are consistent in the way we respond to frequently asked questions on
this list, we should be able to reduce the overall message volume, and
increase the signal-to-noise ratio. That will benefit us all.

Martin Cooper

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mindaugas Idzelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2001 2:32 PM
Subject: This list NEEDS a FAQ

> Subscribers,
> This list NEEDS a FAQ badly. There are many many many questions that are
> asked repeatedly. It would be nice to refer them to a FAQ. I'd be willing
> put together a small FAQ. Please send me questions (and answers!! -- if
> have them) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please include FAQ in the subject. Thanks.
> Mindaugas Idzelis

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