Does anyone have Struts working with Visual Age 4.0 Pro and the Tomcat Test 
Environment 3.2.3 from IBM? When I put the struts-example.war file in the 
webapps directory, Tomcat deploys and starts it with no problems, and the 
index page displays. If I attempt to follow the "Register..." link, I get

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.struts.taglib.html.HiddenTag

If I follow the "Log On..." link I get
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.apache.struts.taglib.html.TextTag

It appears to me that Tomcat cannot find the html taglib packages. I have 
imported Struts into a Visual Age project, but if I include that project on 
the TomcatRunner classpath, I get

java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException: java.lang.InternalError: (Ex02) 
An error has occurred.

I have the same problem with the struts-blank.war - the index page displays 
no problem, but if I add any jsp pages that use the html taglibs I get the 
class not found errors.

On occasion, after goofing around with this, the struts example app will 
start working, but none of the jsp's get compiled into the "JSP Page Compile 
Generated Code" project in VAJ. I've tried a bunch of different experiments, 
and it seems very close to working, but I just cannot get it functioning 
fully. Any insight will be greatly appreciated.

Greg Berger Advance/Tech,Inc
Dirty deeds done dirt cheap

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