Hello Fellow Travelers,

I think that I have found a problem with tiles in orion. This problem only shows 
itself when I deploy my web module (war) to my orion server. I do my development in 
JDeveloper and everything works swimmingly. Also I have the tiles and struts sample 
applications deployed on the same orion server and they all work perfectly. 

I have been banging my head on this for 2 day now and I thought that I'd share my 

When I use the following in my layout.jsp file:
<tiles:insert atttribute="foo" ignore="true" />

If I do not pass in the attribute foo, then when the page is displayed all 
<tiles:....> tags are ignored for the remainder of  the page and NO errors are 
reported. If I leave out the ignore="true" then as expected tiles reports and error on 
my page. The documentation says that you can use the ignore="true" to have optional 

Now when I run the exact same code in JDeveloper everything works as expected. If I 
don't <put name="foo".../> then all of the attributes that I do <put> get displayed 
and the missing ones are ignored.

Now I also noticed that the phenomina(sp?) is limited only to the actual .jsp page 
being processed, meaning if you have this happen in a layout_child.jsp that is <put> 
onto another layout_parent.jsp then the rest of the <tiles:...> in the 
layout_child.jsp get ignored, but when the engine gets back to the layout_parent.jsp 
everything works as expected. 

I know that this all sounds fishy but this behavior is consistant. I am using the same 
.tld and jar files in my app as are distributed with the tiles sample application.

If I am crazy or off base, PLEASE show me the error of my ways and you will have my 

If you do respond, I won't see it until Monday AM


Stephen W. Gissendaner
Senior Application Engineer,

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