>>>>> "Mindaugas" == Mindaugas Idzelis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Mindaugas> PROPOSAL: collectionProperty attribute in <html:options>
    Mindaugas> Abstract:
    Mindaugas>  A new attribute "collectionProperty" which will act like the current
    Mindaugas> "colllection" attribute
    Mindaugas> except that it specifies the property of the form which contains the
    Mindaugas> collection thereby elimating the
    Mindaugas> need for a <bean:define> and decreasing coupling between the JSP page 
    Mindaugas> the name of the form bean
    Mindaugas> defined in struts-config.xml.

Unless I'm misunderstanding this, you made the same mistake I made when reading
the documentation for "html:options".  Perhaps the documentation could be a
little more helpful, but the following excerpt from the reference is relevant:

If the collection attribute is not specified, the rules described in the
remainder of this section apply.

The collection of values actually selected depends on the presence or absence
of the name and property attributes. The following combinations are allowed:

    - Only name is specified - The value of this attribute is the name of a JSP
    bean in some scope that is the collection.

    - Only property is specified - The value of this attribute is the name of a
    property of the ActionForm bean associated with our form, which will return
    the collection.

    - Both name and property are specified - The value of the name attribute
    identifies a JSP bean in some scope. The value of the property attribute is
    the name of some property of that bean which will return the collection.

The key is understanding what is meant by "the name of a JSP bean".  In
particular, this can refer to the ActionForm itself, by using the same name
specified in the "name" attribute of the "action" element in

So, in "html:options", "name" would be set to the name of the ActionForm, and
"property" would be the name of the property of the ActionForm.

>From a newbie's point of view, it seems like it would be useful to have
occassionaly reminders in the reference that the "name" attribute of the
"action" can be used this way.

David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

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