iT meDic wrote:
> Can you please give me pros / cons of using struts and examples of major
> websites using it.

The known public examples are listed at

> How can i make debugging easier for the senior developers(ability to find
> the classes rapidly rather than look at struts.xml / jsp page to find which
> classes they are looking for)?

A property designed Struts application will list *everything* in the
Struts-config, which I think is a great advantage over any other
approach. You can also see where the flow is going ~without~ consulting
the source for dozens of classes. Sometimes, it's just hard to put new
wine in old bottles ;-)

> And how can i convince my development director that it will not break
> just before the final release of the website?

It's open source, and can be reviewed just like the rest of your code.
(And it is also better *documented* than most of the "production" code
I've seen.)

The primary Struts developer, Craig McClanahan, not only wrote most of
Tomcat 4, he is now the implementation engineer for Sun's new Web
Services package. I'd think most development directors would like to
have people like Craig on their "team". ;-)

> Who do we call if we find bugs?(rather than posting message on the boards)

There are a number of Struts consultants listed at

It's also important to remember that since it's open source, you can
make any fixes you deem necessary without anyone's help ;-)

>they are saying that it is open source therefore it is impossible to 
incorporate it on a production release

The Apache License permits use of the software in a commercial release.
No worries there!

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

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