You can create new ActionForwards within the Action, and paste on your

Personally, I would put another Action in front of viewForum.jsp, so
that it expects whatever dyndamic data it needs to be passed in a bean
through the request, rather taken from a dynamic (and possibily
incorrect) parameter.

In that case, you could just forward to /do/viewForum and it would
automatically find the original forum parameter in the request, retrieve
the required data, and forward the result along to the JSP.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463

Ralph vd Houdt wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am trying to define a redirecting forward in the struts-config.xml. But I
> need some parameters that are on the form to redirect the action. Is there a
> way to add parameters to the redirecting request?
> An example:
>         <action  path="/postTopic"
>                  name="createNewTopicClosedForumForm"
>                  type="com.example.CreateNewTopicAction"
>                 scope="request"
>                 input="/postTopic.jsp"
>                 validate="true">
>             <forward  name="success"  path="/viewForum.jsp"
> redirect="true"/>
>         </action>
> I want the new redirected request to be "/viewForum.jsp?forum=<dynamic
> value>".
> The forum value is on the available on the form and initialy posted to
> postTopic.jsp
> Does anyone know a solution?
> Greetings Ralph
> --
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