
I'm trying to install the Struts example application in JRun 3.1
(Version 3.1.15506). I have read the installation guide and the JRun 3.0
subtopic. As a result, I modified the locale tag in index.jsp to look

      <html:html locale=<%= true %>>

JRun generates the following error message when this page is used,


     Parse Error in JSP page: Encountered "%>" at line 6, column
     Was expecting:
         <A_EQ> ...

I also read through the mailing list digest and, as a result, tried this

     <html:html locale="<%= true %>">

It causes JRun to generate the following error message,


     java.io.IOException: CreateProcess: C:\Program
          +E -g -nowarn -d



Is the example application known to work with JRun 3.1? If so what is a
viable syntax for the locale tag?

Thanks in advance,
Sid Stuart

Note that I also tried the original syntax for locale, just to see if
they fixed the problem. It returned the same error message as <html:html
locale="<%= true %>">.

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