
I find it useful (and easier) to work off of other's examples.  Here's what I have done
in the past (actually last Friday):
<logic:iterate id="myList" name="countrystatcollection">
      <td class=text7><bean:write name="myList" property="countryname"/></td>
      <td class=text7><bean:write name="myList" property="countryprocessedcount"/></td>
      <td class=text7><bean:write name="myList" property="countrytotalcount"/></td>


1)  myList: is just an ID that I made up
2) countrystatcollection:  is a collection ( java.util.List ) that I set on the request
object in an action,  which forwards to the page that contains the iterate tag.

//get an object array from helper class
CountryStat[] countryStatArray = ch.retrieveCountryCounts();

int iLength = countryStatArray.length;

for(int n = 0; n < iLength; n++ ){
   //don't add nulls   
   if (countryStatArray[n] != null)
   request.setAttribute("countrystatcollection", list);

3)  countrystat:  is a simple bean that contains the following members:

protected String countryname = null;

    public String getCountryname() {
        return countryname;

    public void setCountryname(String countryname) {
        this.countryname = countryname;

    protected String countryprocessedcount = null;

    public String getCountryprocessedcount()  {
          return countryprocessedcount;

       public void setCountryprocessedcount(String asCountryprocessedcount) {

           this.countryprocessedcount = asCountryprocessedcount;
    protected String countrytotalcount = null;

    public String getCountrytotalcount() {
           return countrytotalcount;

       public void setCountrytotalcount(String asCountrytotalcount) {
           this.countrytotalcount = asCountrytotalcount;

Hope this provides some insight into your problem.  


 --- Rob Breeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Brian
> Thanks so much for that pointer - that was the solution to that part of the
> problem.
> Now I need to work out why the name value I'm submitting isn't getting into
> the form... (just get nulls every time)
> Rob Breeds
>                     Brian Dainton                                                    
>                     <daintons@yaho       To:     Struts Users Mailing List
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                        
>           >               cc:                                         
>                                          Subject:     RE: how to dynamically add to
> form                                                           
>                     13/11/2001                                                       
>                     14:10                                                            
>                     Please respond                                                   
>                     to "Struts                                                       
>                     Users Mailing                                                    
>                     List"                                                            
> Rob,
> I ran into the same thing last week.  Make sure your collection doesn't
> contain any
> 'nulls' (i.e. check for null before adding an item to the collection)
> Brian
> --- Rob Breeds <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks Tom, that's certainly interesting stuff and it may solve my
> problem
> > (and for that I am truly grateful!).
> >
> > Is nesting of tags my problem? I still don't see why testcase fails:
> >
> > > This fails, with JSP error 'Cannot find bean el in scope null '
> > > <logic:iterate id="el" name="saveEntityForm" property="names">
> > >      <bean:write name="el" property="name"/>
> > > </logic:iterate>
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Rob Breeds
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >                     "Tom Klaasen
> >
> >                     (TeleRelay)"            To:     "Struts Users Mailing
> List"
> >                     <tom.klaasen@tele       cc:
> >
> >           >              Subject:     RE: how to
> dynamically add to
> > form
> >
> >
> >                     13/11/2001 13:23
> >
> >                     Please respond to
> >
> >                     "Struts Users
> >
> >                     Mailing List"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > You should have a look at the nested: taglib from Arron Bates, that
> > makes both these things really easy.
> >
> > Quoting his contribution mail:
> > -----
> > For a built version and the updated example (I didn't want to send more
> > than was necessary to provide the source)...
> >
> >
> > Updated Running example...
> >
> > -----
> >
> >
> > hth,
> > tomK
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Rob Breeds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > > Sent: dinsdag 13 november 2001 13:57
> > > To: Struts Users Mailing List
> > > Subject: how to dynamically add to form
> > > Importance: High
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Hi
> > >
> > > I have an input JSP with a single form on it. The action for
> > > the submit
> > > will invoke the backend business logic and return a results page. Easy
> > > enough.
> > >
> > > There are several distinct sections in the input page, one
> > > for entering 1
> > > or more names, another for 1 or more descriptions, and other similar
> > > sections requiring multiple inputs.
> > >
> > > Considering just the Names section, what I want to do is
> > > allow the user to
> > > enter a new name into a text input box and when they click an
> > > 'Add' link
> > > next to the name, it adds the name to the current list of names in the
> > > ActionForm (stored in a Vector) and redisplays the input form
> > > JSP showing
> > > the current list of names plus a new input text box. The user
> > > should be
> > > able to add one name at a time ad infinitum until they finally hit the
> > > submit button for the overall form.
> > >
> > > name1                              <-----------------------
> > > first 3 names
> > > already entered
> > > name2                              <-----------------------
> > > name3                              <-----------------------
> > > [ text box ] add name   <----------------------   link to add
> > > another name
> > > and update display
> > >
> > > 1. How do I get the 'Add' link to pass the value of the input
> > > text box into
> > > the ActionForm? I have a field in the ActionForm called
> > > newName, and when
> > > the setNewName method is called it will add the new name to the Vector
> > > called names. I can't see how to get to the form from a <html:link
> > > forward>... and I shouldn't have to submit the form to update
> > > each section
> > > of the form should I?
> > >
> > > 2. For testing, I am submitting the form, and in the Action
> > > adding dummy
> > > data into the Vector of names (in NameBean objects with a
> > > property of name)
> > > and forwarding back to the input page. I use the <bean:iterate> tag to
> > > display the contents of the Vector names, but it gives weird results:!
> > >
> > > Following works and displays the object references to the items in the
> > > Vector so I know that there are the correct number of items:
> > > <bean:write name="saveEntityForm" property="names"/>
> > >
> > > This fails, with JSP error 'Cannot find bean el in scope null '
> > > <logic:iterate id="el" name="saveEntityForm" property="names">
> > >      <bean:write name="el" property="name"/>
> > > </logic:iterate>
> > >
> > > It's almost as if the ActionForm isn't being saved in the
> > > request but then
> > > why does the display work when I don't use iterate?
> > >
> > > I'm going round in circles with this so any help to get me
> > > moving again is
> > > appreciated.
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > > Rob Breeds
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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