Sound like a good idea.  It could be incorporated as a standard ANT action I 

One thing I've noticed too is there does not seem to be good debug 
information for the struts tags.  In some cases you just get a blank screen 
returned, or just the first few lines of HTML.  An example of this is where 
you forget to update the "".   Am I missing 
something in terms of how to enable debug info?

Should this be handled by (a) appropriate debug in the struts tags, or (b) a 
checker program?


----Original Message Follows----
From: David White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ANN: Struts Checker Tool
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 12:43:55 -0800


After a bit of frustration caused by my forgetting to put needed resources 
into my struts application properties file, I decided to
build a little, checker program which parses struts JSP files and looks for 
those tags which make reference to the application
properties file and lets me know if I have forgotten to keep that file at 
least minimally up-to-date. I know of no other way to KNOW
this until run time causes an exception to be thrown (which can waste a lot 
of time).

The command line usage notes for this program follow. If others have an 
interest, I will post this on Please let me
know via email if you are interested in using such a tool. Perhaps 
suggestions for improving it can be made as well.



                     StrutsResourcesChecker version 00.01
              by David White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Usage: java StrutsResourcesChecker [-v][-r] jspFile|dirName 
   if jspFile, then only that file is processed
   if dirName, then all .jsp files in that directory are processed
   if -r, then dirName must be specified and it is recursively processed
   if -v, then verbose output is displayed

Note that there must be access to a SAX 1.0 parser on the classpath and
that this is also true for the JSP parser library found for free download

Note that this program assumes it will find the word 'struts' somewhere in 
in the uri attribute of any struts-related, taglib directive. This is not
required by JSP but it makes things far easier and is common usage. Sorry 
any inconvenience this causes.

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