
sounds good. As we want to launch use of Struts in our corp. I think we could really
benefit from such a checking tool.

I case it is not already in progress, I would like to integrate it into JBuilder5, so
let me know when the code (source?) is available.

thanks in advance
Alexander Jesse

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, November 23, 2001 9:44 PM
Subject: ANN: Struts Checker Tool


After a bit of frustration caused by my forgetting to put needed resources into my 
struts application properties file, I decided to
build a little, checker program which parses struts JSP files and looks for those tags 
which make reference to the application
properties file and lets me know if I have forgotten to keep that file at least 
minimally up-to-date. I know of no other way to KNOW
this until run time causes an exception to be thrown (which can waste a lot of time).

The command line usage notes for this program follow. If others have an interest, I 
will post this on sourceforge.net. Please let me
know via email if you are interested in using such a tool. Perhaps suggestions for 
improving it can be made as well.



                    StrutsResourcesChecker version 00.01
             by David White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Usage: java StrutsResourcesChecker [-v][-r] jspFile|dirName strutsResourcesFile
  if jspFile, then only that file is processed
  if dirName, then all .jsp files in that directory are processed
  if -r, then dirName must be specified and it is recursively processed
  if -v, then verbose output is displayed

Note that there must be access to a SAX 1.0 parser on the classpath and
that this is also true for the JSP parser library found for free download
at http://easythings.iwarp.com/download/parsers10.jar

Note that this program assumes it will find the word 'struts' somewhere in the
in the uri attribute of any struts-related, taglib directive. This is not
required by JSP but it makes things far easier and is common usage. Sorry for
any inconvenience this causes.

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