
Wondering what the typical struts approach is to handling and passing back 
errors to the user is.   I'm not talking about ActionForm validation, but 
rather the situation where an Action determines there is a error (ie either 
directly itself or via an exception from a business object).

What is recommended approach with struts?
- use of servlet "errorpage" specified in Web.xml?
  (not sure how this works yet, still have to find good doco)
- use of struts "errorpage" as GLOBAL FORWARD to JSP which
  assumes maybe a ERROR_MESSAGE in request scope?
- incorporate use of struts validation error infrastruture somehow?
  (eg re-use ActionErrors perhaps)?
- would creating an ActionError in the Action itself and forwarding
  back to the original JSP page be possible in the case where there
  is not normally form validation on this page.  ie leverage off
  ability to put <html:errors/> in JSP just to handle presentation
  of backend errors (ie not formbean validation errors).

I'm assuming the general approach overall is to throw business logic errors 
up the chain until hitting the Action classes so one may then present an 
appropriate error message to the user (via one of the approaches above?).


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