Hi David and Rob & everybody !

Thanks for your help!

Your ideas were right. The problem is caused by the <html:submit> tag at the end of
the form.
I can still use this strus submit tag, when i give it a different 'propertyname'
than 'submit' - which ist the
default value.

Here ist the code that works:

<html:form action="assignDocument.do" >

    <html:select property="typeId" size="1"  onchange="submitForm()">
         <html:options collection="typeRefCodes" property="refC"

<html:submit property="new"><bean:message


Thanks once again and bye

> Herr Dipl. Math. Wolfgang Frank


You probably have a <html:submit> tag? Struts generates a button with a
name of 'submit' so JavaScript gets confused. It wasted so much of my time!

You need to give your submit button a different name - can't recall how to
do that right now because I stopped using the submit buttons and used links

Rob Breeds

David Lauta wrote:

> Here is what I have found to work:
> I think there might be a bug though
> <script language="javascript">
> function submitForm()
> {
>  document.forms[0].submit();
>  return ( true );
> }
> </script>
>   <form:select property="firmId"
>    ondblclick="javascript:submitForm()"
>    onchange="javascript:submitForm()" >
>    <BR>
>    <form:options collection="firms" property="value" labelProperty="label" />
>   </form:select>
> Populating the options was a little tricky.
> The bug comes from the use of:
>   <html:submit>
>    <bean:message key="button.insert"/>
>      </html:submit>
> This tag adds a submit object to the document.forms[0]
> this causes (netscape at least)  to report document.forms[0].submit()  no such
> method
> To fix this  use  <input type="submit"> instead of   <html:submit>
> <bean:message key="button.insert"/>     </html:submit>
> There might be another way around this problem.
> Has any one else seen this?
> -Dave
> Wolfgang Frank wrote:
> > Hello there,
> >
> > may someone help me please?
> >
> > I tried to call a javascriptfunction from a Struts-Form. I need
> > to do this because I want to calculate values in another SELECT
> > box depending
> > on the choice of this one ... and because a value changed event
> > in a form doesnīt cause a submit ... i need this?!
> >
> > And i canīt get it to work:
> >
> > <html:form action="assignDocument.do" >
> >       <table>
> >         <tr>
> >           <td>Choose:</td>
> >           <td>
> >               <html:select property="typeId" size="1"
> > onchange='document.forms[0].submit()'>
> >                   <html:options collection="typeRefCodes"
> > property="refC" labelProperty="refT"/>
> >                </html:select>
> >           </td>
> >         </tr>
> >
> > ....
> >
> > </html:form>
> >
> > I get an javascript error that "submit" is not a function.
> >
> > Does anybody have an idea. It works fine without the javascript
> > and everything seems to be configured properly.
> >
> > Thanks in advance
> > Wolfgang
> >
> > ------------------------------------
> > Herr Dipl. Math. Wolfgang Frank
> > ------------------------------------
> >
> > --
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> Thank you,
> David Lauta
> (561)272-2698
> (561)289-0502 cell

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