
I have read the archives and have seen some posts and responses to this question, but 
was hoping something more definitive might be posted.

Within an ActionA, I would like to forward to another ActionB to continue processing. 
Sounds reasonable. So, I look up the javadoc and see the section about ActionForward 
and think okay I would simply do the following in the first action

ActionForward forward = new ActionForward("/ActionServlet/ActionB");

return forward;

Well, so far no luck to say the least. I seem to always get 404 errors that the page 
can't be found. I have seen a post about bypassing the ActionForward and using the 
request.getRequestDispatcher and have not tried that yet since it seemed so logical 
that the ActionForward method should work.

No go, the only workaround I found was to have the forward to a .jsp page that did a 
<jsp:forward> to the actual action.

Can someone please let me know. Can an Action forward to another Action instead of a 
JSP page and if so why does the above method not work?

Thanks for any guidance.


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