Here it is - this is my way - a design pattern copied
from non-strus programs.

in your jsp
<html:hidden property="formName"
in your action class
        EditUserForm thisForm = (EditUserForm) form;
        String formName = thisForm.getFormName();

        if (formName == null ||
!formName.equals("Form-EditUser")) {
                // Came from forward from another form
                // Display default form.
        } else { 
             // came from our form validate it.
--- Māris Orbidāns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >It's common to have code in your action class that
> >detects whether it was started from it's form being
> >posted or elsewhere. (lots of posts about how to
> test
> >for this). 
> How to do it ?
> >If coming from elsewhere you just ignore
> >whatever values are in the formbean.
> >Does this help?
> thanx a lot
> Maris
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