Hi all,

after browsing the FAQ and searching the mailing list archive,
I have not yet found a 'premium way' to go for EJB business logic
integration into a Struts application.

It's pretty clear that the EJB stuff should go into the action classes.
I also saw hints that it might be useful to add another layer between
the action classes and the entity/session beans in order to keep the
action classes small and independent from the underlying business logic
tier architecture.

So the recommended architecture would be

action class <-> ejb 'helper' class <-> EJB Session/Entity Bean

which allows for e.g. replacing the EJB tier by direct JDBC
database access without having to modify the action classes.

Is the presented view correct/recommendable, or have I probably missed
some important developments concerning the Struts<->EJB issue?
Besides selected threads of this mailing list, are there any
instructive resources/links regarding the topic?


Thomas Corte

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