
I just came a good step closer. The version of the struts-config.xml I sent
was not correct. It should have the WEB-INF in upper case of course:
After all that different versions on NT (with its strange file namings),
I ended up with this when sending. However, the correct version is:

<action  path="/startIt"
     <forward name="display" path="/WEB-INF/jsp/start.jsp"/>

So I tried again with Tomcat3.2, Tomcat4, and Bea 6.0/6.1.
Not surprisingly, it worked fine on both Tomcats (as many
others found out a houndred times before ;-). 
But unfortunately not on Bea 6.0 or Bea 6.1.

I'll contact Bea in order to find out about the problem
and let you know about as soon as I know what the problem is.


<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 18.12.01:
> After reading the Struts Catalogue and having spent a good 
> amount of time trying to get the JSPs run under the
> web-inf directory, I figured out that there has been a thread
> on "Can't place JSP beneath WEB-INF in WebLogic 6.0".
> I'm using BEA WL 6.1 and also have the same 404 error mentioned
> in the message 
>http://www.mail-archive.com/struts-user@jakarta.apache.org/msg14704.html .
> However, I also tried it on Tomcat4.0 and Tomcat3.2, which both gave the
> same 404 error. So it seems to be something I'm doing wrong.
> Just to make sure -- I have the following setup:
> 1) directory structure:
> - myApp
>     - web-inf
>         - jsp (contains one page: start.jsp)
>         - lib
>         - classes ...
> 2) struts-config.xml
> ...
> <action  path="/startIt"
>        type="mypackage.StartAction"
>        name="theForm"
>        scope="session"
>          validate="false"
>          parameter="commingIn"
>        input="/web-inf/jsp/start.jsp">
>     <forward name="display" path="/web-inf/jsp/start.jsp"/>
> </action>
> 3) StartAction         
> perform(...){
> ...
>     System.out.println("forward path: " + mapping.findForward("display").getPath());
>     return (mapping.findForward(forward));
>   }
> which accurately prints out "path: /web-inf/jsp/start.jsp"
> Bea doesn't say anything except 404 (basically). 
> Tomcat 3 says: 
> ... 404 ... 
> Original request: /myApp/web-inf/jsp/start.jsp
> Not found request: /myApp/web-inf/jsp/start.jsp 
> Tomcat4 brings:
> Apache Tomcat/4.0.1 - HTTP Status 404 - /web-inf/jsp/start.jsp
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> type Status report
> message /web-inf/jsp/start.jsp
> description The requested resource (/web-inf/jsp/start.jsp) is not available.
> The application is packed in a jar file. I checked the contents of the file.
> Looks as expected (having the jsp in the web-inf/jsp directory).
> It might have something to do with Win NT4, on which the servers are running.
> But this is just a guess.
> Help greatly appreciated! Thanks for your time,
> Holger
> Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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