
i'm not very fond of these Helper-Classes: Most of the time, they only add
an additional Layer which just proxies calls to the SessionBeans: The
benefit you get is mostly, that you can wrap all ejb-related errors inside
the Helpers. This saves you some coding, but most of the time you want to
react on a RemoteException in a different way the than on a finder

We code the EJB-Access driectly in the Actions and try to keep the Actions
small by keeping most of the Code inside SessionBeans (which is a generally
a good idea, as you can reuse this code in context's where Struts is not
applicable, eg. with a Swing-Client). In order for this to work, it's a good
idea, to use a
facade/index.html) to avoid having to code against numerous ejb's in your
action - in our experience, this is sufficient: A helper-class just doubles
the Methods of the Facade.

Check out, if portability from an ejb-Architecture to a pure-jdbc
Architecture is really a requirement, or if it even is possible: I'm not
really sure, wether it pays to code independently of the j2ee-architecture,
as it means to wrap most of the main-features (EntityBean, SessionBean, MDB,
jndi and so on) - with applicationspecific classes that abstract out the
functionality: I think in projects under high pressure you throw away all
the benefits of j2ee with this approach.

So, by keeping the code in the actions small, we us Actions in a
"Command"-way: which works quite nicely for us: As there is not so much code
in the action, we don't have problems with writing new ones or changing the
old ones.

hope this helps

friedensallee 7-9
22765 hamburg
telefon +49 (040) 306033 -43
telefax +49 (040) 306033 -64


> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2001 01:01
> An: Struts Users Mailing List
> Betreff: accessing EJB components from a Struts application?
> Hi all,
> after browsing the FAQ and searching the mailing list archive,
> I have not yet found a 'premium way' to go for EJB business logic
> integration into a Struts application.
> It's pretty clear that the EJB stuff should go into the action classes.
> I also saw hints that it might be useful to add another layer between
> the action classes and the entity/session beans in order to keep the
> action classes small and independent from the underlying business logic
> tier architecture.
> So the recommended architecture would be
> action class <-> ejb 'helper' class <-> EJB Session/Entity Bean
> which allows for e.g. replacing the EJB tier by direct JDBC
> database access without having to modify the action classes.
> Is the presented view correct/recommendable, or have I probably missed
> some important developments concerning the Struts<->EJB issue?
> Besides selected threads of this mailing list, are there any
> instructive resources/links regarding the topic?
> Regards,
> --
> Thomas Corte
> --
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