> If I decide to use plain servlets, is Struts still a good framework to
> use to enforce the MVC architecture?

Struts is mainly a front controller that can be used with plain
servlets, JavaServer Pages, or any technology that has access to the
servlet context. The Struts support for JSP is superb, but, IHMO,
ancilliary to the actual framework. The core of Struts is the front
controller, and the elements defined in the Struts configuration, which
lead to calling the JSPs, not the JSP's themselves.

So, yes.

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Custom Software ~ Technical Services.
-- Tel +1 716 737-3463
-- http://www.husted.com/struts/

> "ATS" wrote:
> Hi Ted,
> I have talked to you a couple of times in the past (via email) about
> Struts. If you have time, I would very much appreciate your technical
> expertise on a question about the limits of JSP.
> How useful is JSP technology for web sites that will generate 90% of
> the HTML dynamically from XML configuration files or a database?
> The 90% estimate is based on the portal's requirements; there will be
> an Administrator function where content can be added or modified. A
> Security Framework will determine what content registered users can
> see. Registered users can change the layout and view of the content
> they have access to. All of these individual settings will be saved in
> XML files or a database, and will be used to generate the HTML. Thus
> the content is very dynamic.
> Based on my limited experience with JSP, it seems the usefulness of
> JSP is inversely proportional to the amount of dynamic HTML. The more
> dynamic the site, the greater the use of taglibs and lesser the use of
> raw HTML. If 90% of the JSP page is taglibs, what is the benefit of
> adding the JSP layer? Wouldn't it be better to use plain servlets?
> Then the complexity of the JSP / taglib layer would be removed.
> If I decide to use plain servlets, is Struts still a good framework to
> use to enforce the MVC architecture?
> Thanks very much,

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