I've noticed some problems, and have some questions, with situations where I
use "logic:iterate" to display a list of checkboxes and then (hopefully)
automatically populate those values in the downstream form object.  I'm sure
I'm misunderstanding some things, so please correct me if you see a
misstatement.  I've asked about some of this in the past, but I don't believe I
ever got an answer (except for some direct responses to me asking if I ever got
a response).

The first issue is the use of the "property" attribute in "html:checkbox".  If
I understand this correctly, the value of this attribute is "overloaded" to
have two meanings.  The first interpretation is as the attribute of the bean
specified as the "name" attribute in this element.  This value is apparently
used as the "current value" of the checkbox, although I'm not really sure what
that means.  I don't see the real purpose for htis.  When I render a
html:checkbox, unless I specifically use "bean:write" to print the value,
nothing is displayed except the checkbox, so it's apparently not used for the
rendered text.

Then, the second interpretation of the "property" attribute is the name of the
outgoing request parameter.  This causes some confusion wrt checkboxes, because
the first interpretation refers to a SINGLE data row, but the second
interpretation essentially refers to an ARRAY of items.  This is because the
name of the request parameter associated with a set of checkboxes will get
multiple values associated with that request parameter.

For instance, if the field of the bean representing is "objectName", then the
"property" attribute will be set to "objectName".  Then, in the downstream
form/action objects, we expect to find an ARRAY of values associated with
"objectName".  It might be less confusing if the "property" attribute wasn't
overloaded in this situation, so that one attribute specified the property of
the bean, and another attribute specified the name of the request parameter to

The second issue is with automatic population of properties in downstream forms
from request parameters.  In general, this works pretty well.  However, I don't
see what's supposed to happen when the request parameter is multi-valued, like
from a set of checkboxes.  If I were to guess, I would think I would have to
add methods to my downstream form (wrt the "objectName" example) of
"getObjectName()" and "setObjectName()", although they would return and take an
ARRAY of strings (goes back to the first issue).  However, nothing happened
when I tried this.

The third issue is the "value" attribute of both html:checkbox and html:radio.
This will very often use a scriptlet expression, as the value will likely be an
attribute of the bean associated with each checkbox.  Is there some reason that
a "valueProperty" attribute wouldn't be useful?  This would specify the
property of the bean that will be used for the value.  It's my impression that
it's always a good idea to avoid scriplets, if possible.

Again, I'd appreciate any corrections if I've misunderstood how this is
supposed to work.

David M. Karr          ; Best Consulting
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   ; Java/Unix/XML/C++/X ; BrainBench CJ12P (#12004)

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