-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ANN] Struts + Velocity  + Tools +...
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 15:48:29 -0500
From: "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Velocity Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],"Velocity Developer's List"

Real Soon Now is Now.

Thanks to Gabriel and Ted for this as well as everyone that contributed
supported the discussion.

There is a new CVS repository called


It is where we can put together our tool project.  I will add this (and
-dvsl) to the jakarta cvs page, but you can go there directly :


And of course, for those that use CVS clients, just

  cvs checkout jakarta-velocity-tools

Currently, there are two parts :

This is a general purpose servlet that does tool loading, and is meant
to be
used in place of (or along side of) JspServlet.  The toolbox stuff is
rudimentary and untested (I put it together today) and there are lots of
refinements to be made.  View includes an example that uses Gabriel's
self-building war, so to see how this works, just go to exmaple/simple
    ant devwar

And then deploy that war.  You can see it work with the simple index.vm
- so
to test, just point the browser at the servlet engine, and suppose you
called the war  strutsvel.war


And you will hopefully see it work

There are a a few cool things in View that will probably migrate into
Velocity proper, namely the WebappLoader, which does template loading
letting the container return input streams, and a ServletLogger, which
the velocity log stuff go to the servlet log file for convenience.

These features depend on the current 1.3-dev jar, which is included.

This is a package that contains the stuff needed to connect Struts and
Velocity, and the overwhelming majority of the hard work was done by
Sidler and Ted Husted (from Struts-land).

It has the same project structure as View, you can build the jar, but
is an excellent example WAR put together by Gabriel with major
by Ted that show three or so apps done using Struts both with JSP and
Velocity, so you can compare and contrast.

That too should be in the example/struts directory and a

   ant devwar

should build it.  Deploy and enjoy.

There are a few tools in here that are going to come back out because
are generic and go live in View or Tools. I got sick of moving things
today :)

One really cool thing is that no special Struts support is required for
this, and it works with struts 1.0, the released version.  Hats off to
Gabriel for this (if you wear a hat...).

Once this is reasonably tested and we do a release, we'll add Struts to
list of supported frameworks :)

And coming :

Not checked in yet, this will be a general tool space, where we can grab
stuff in commons-sandbox/rupert and give care and feeding

Not started.  Need some ideas - basically a collection of VMs

Sorry about the delay (but some things are worth waiting for).

I'll add links from the Velocity site and make nightly's later today.

Also, if someone has better ideas on how this might be organized and
arranged, just speak up...

Geir Magnusson Jr.                                    
System and Software Consulting
"We will be judged not by the monuments we build, but by the monuments
destroy" - Ada Louise Huxtable

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