One possible route to skirting the problems you correctly outline, and many
others, is to use a framework which implements Struts, such as, but not limited
to, the Expresso framework, where much of the plumbing is done for you.

Taking this one step further, using a code generator, such as, but certainly not
limited to webAppWriter, allows you to utilize such a framework with your own
RDBMS and get it up in ten minutes or so, with all boilerplate code. By
generating only from standardized templates, weeks of experimentation and
heart-ache can be side stepped, and the coder can focus on the business logic and
presentation rather than the basic plumbing. is my generator, anyway. 100% struts  apps, from your
custom database schema, written to Expresso framework, from 100% published code
templates. Sounds a bit corny, but I got 33 sample apps on the site that you can
test, download, and judge for yourself.

Not open sourced yet, but as soon as I attract enough paying work to keep me
busy, it will be. Until then, you have to use it from my little server. Works
fine there though.

Frank Lawlor wrote:

> Now that Struts has passed its 1.0 birthday
> I would like to suggest something that I think
> would help the many users it is attracting.
> When I have lead development groups I have
> explained one of the differences between a
> prototype and a product as "programming for
> more that the narrow path".  What I mean by
> this is that a prototype can, and often should,
> only worry about making things work so long
> as the user stays on some narrow path to the
> goal (stray off the path and you die a horrible
> death).
> A product needs to be more robust.  In particular
> it needs to expect that users WILL attempt.
> out of ignorance, malice or inspiration, to use
> it in ways not intended.  In the case of Struts
> users, it can help their productivity if misuses are
> clearly called to the developers attention.
> Unfortunately, many of the likely Struts errors
> result simply in silence.  I have spent many
> hours tracking down problems (usually mine)
> and even having to trace into Struts code to do
> it.
> Specifically, some of the problems I have run into
> are:
> - If the ActionForm name is not defined in struts-config, silence
> - If the ActionForward string is not found, silence
> - If no found, pretty close to silence
> - if you say html:text indexed="yes" (should be "true"), silence
>   (note, the documentation implies it should be "yes")
> - If the ActionError type is not found, silence
> In most of these cases exception and/or log entries
> would be very helpful.
> Don't get me wrong.  Struts is great and the developers
> have done a great job (congratulations!), but now that
> it is attracting a wider following, it is time to also help
> the many developers be more productive.
> Frank Lawlor
> Athens Group, Inc.
> (512) 345-0600 x151
> Athens Group, an employee-owned consulting firm integrating technology
> strategy and software solutions.
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Pete Carapetyan
Java Development Services

Open standards technology for commercial profitability

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