How about putting a helper class in your session which has methods:-

String stringArrayToTokenizedString(String[] array)
   //store array elements delimted by some char that's not in the data.

String[] tokenizedStringToStringArray.
   //Use StringTokeniser to build the array again.

Then you need only store 1 big long string.
Personally that seems fairly horrible too but at least there's less JSP code.

--- Christian Bouessay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, I've found one solution:
> <logic:present parameter="fields" property="fields">
>    <logic:iterate id="fieldsValue"
>         collection="<%=request.getParameterValues("fields")%>">
>      <html:hidden property="fields" value="<%=fieldsValue%>"/>
>    </logic:iterate>
> </logic:present>
> Is there a better way to do this?
> --
> C. Bouessay
> Christian Bouessay wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have a form with a multiple select box.
> > 
> > class myForm1 extends ActionForm {
> >     String[] getFields() { ...}
> >     void setFields(String[] fields )
> >     ...
> > }
> > <html:select property="fields" multiple="1" size="3">
> >     <html:options collection="list" property="value"
> >                                     labelProperty="label"/>
> > </html:select>
> > 
> > When I submit the form and validate() return null, it forwards to an 
> > other view of the same form where I would like to store this property in 
> > a hidden field.
> > 
> > And HTML output is:
> > 
> > <input type="hidden" name="fields" value="[Ljava.lang.String;@1765ae">
> > 
> > How can I tell struts to store it in a "String" format?
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks for help.
> > -- 
> > C. Bouessay
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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