Greetingz Struts fanatics! ;)

The collection I want to use in my <html:options> is nested two levels deep
from the bean that is actually in scope (named 'database').  For example,
here's how I'm accessing the collection from JSP scriplet:

<% Collection users = database.getUsersTable().getUsers(); %>

Each 'User' bean in the collection as an "id" and "username" property, which
I want as key and label respectively, so I thought the following would work,
but it doesn't:

<html:select property="userId">

I get the following exception:

Cannot find bean under name database.userstable.users

Even if I put my getUsers() method directly in the database bean, I still
get a message "... cannot find bean under name database.users".

So my guess is that <html:options> doesn't support bean nesting (in the form
of "bean1.bean2.bean3") as <logic:iterate> does...  Is that right?

The only thing that worked (but wasn't pretty) was to put a scriptlet at the
top of the page to take the nested users collection and put it directly as a
request attribute, and then refer to it from the options tag.

Thanks in advance for any advice...

Best regards,

        Mathieu Frenette
        Software Architect
        Freeborders Canada

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