Mark Galbreath wrote:

> Anyway, I need to pass control from one class to another in a web app
> something like:
> public String getNextPage() throws Exception {
>     Command nextCommand = new ListEquipmentAction();
>     nextCommand.setAttributes( this);
>     nextCommand.execute();
>     return nextCommand.getNextPage();
> How do I go about doing this in the form:
> return( mapping.findForward( "success"));

In your Action:

public ActionForward perform(...) {

    request.setAttribute(key, this);
    return (mapping.findForward("success"));

The mapping "success" is defined in /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml.  The mapping can
point to another class (Action) that will do somethinng different.

So basically when someone requests a page, your Action gets control, it does
some processing, sets whatever attributes it needs to set, and then forwards
control on to something else.  What that something else is defined in

Hope that helps.  I'm sure the Struts gurus will chime in to clarify... ;)

-Another Mark

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