I'm looking for a straightforward way to handle basic form validation. I
downloaded the Struts Validator from Dave Winterfeldt and I really like
the capabilities, but I'm wondering if anyone has a solution that is
more generic? My big problem with the Validator design is the need for
another xml file that I need to fill out for every form I want to

Maybe I am missing something, but is there a way a) either using this
tool, or b) with another validator - that I can validate a field at the
tag level.

For example, I'd like to write:

<html:text property="firstName" size="30" maxlength="30"


<html:text property="email" size="30" maxlength="30" validate="required,

and not have to deal with a FORM-SPECIFIC xml file. Obviously, I'd have
to detail what it meant to be "required" and what a valid "email" is.
That seems to be done with the validator-rules.xml file. Why can't I
access that directly?

I might just go build this myself, but I was curious if it has already
been done, or if I am missing something with the Struts Validator.


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