Hmmm, doesn't work like I'd hoped:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot URL decode request path /<%=xmlJsp%>

--- Matt Raible <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've figured out a pretty slick (I think) way to use XSL have one page that
> changes the look and feel of my entire application.  Basically, I put all my
> XML JSP's in a "pages" directory - and all they really contain is title,
> heading, and form elements (populated by bean:write and html:form).  All
> "layout" is controlled by a CSS stylesheet (I'm only supporting
> standards-compliant browsers - and client agrees ;).  
> So my "rough" solution at this point is to route all requests for JSP's to a
> JSP (with the same name in the / directory).  So I have a JSP Transformer for
> each JSP XML page.  I'd like to just have one page that does the
> transformation.
> However, there's GOT to be an easier way.  You would think it would be easy
> to
> create a URL-mapping for this - or something like that.  I would like it
> would
> be easy to create a <url-pattern> of *.jsx that would route to a
> htmlTransform.jsp page.  Is this the best way?  I really like the idea of
> using
> JSP's to get messages and form values - seems pretty easy.  If there is a way
> of using a servlet in place of the htmlTransform.jsp - that might be a good
> idea...
> Thanks,
> Matt
> web.xml ---------
>       <!-- XSLT Tranformer -->
>       <servlet>
>               <servlet-name>xslt</servlet-name>
>               <jsp-file>/htmlTransform.jsp</jsp-file>
>       </servlet>
>       <!-- XSLT Mapping -->
>       <servlet-mapping>
>               <servlet-name>xslt</servlet-name>
>               <url-pattern>*.jsx</url-patter>
>       </servlet-mapping>
> htmlTransform.jsp ----------------------
> <%@ page language="java" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/c.tld" prefix="c" %>
> <%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/x.tld" prefix="x" %>
> <% 
> String xmlJsp = request.getServletPath(); 
> xmlJsp = "/pages" + xmlJsp.substring(0,xmlJsp.indexOf(".")) + ".jsp";
> System.out.println("xmlJsp = " + xmlJsp);
> %>
> <c:import url="<%=xmlJsp%>" var="xml"/> 
> <c:import url="/styles/xsl-xhtml.jsp" var="xslt"/>
> <x:transform source="$xml" xslt="$xslt"/>
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