Have you tried...

... onChange="javascript:submit();" ...


... onChange="javascript:document.forms[0].sumbit();" ...

I think one of those might fix it for you.


On Tuesday, January 22, 2002, at 10:43  AM, Regan, Patrick wrote:

> I am converting a JSP page (model 1) to Struts.  I have a JSP page that
> contains a couple of option lists.  When you choose an option 
> from list 1,
> the contents of option list 2 are filtered accordingly.  The 
> way I did this
> on Model 1 was to resubmit the form and have the server repopulate the
> option lists.  In effect, the form could be submitted 2 ways.  
> One if they
> are filtering the option list and another when they are 
> finished and want to
> submit the transaction.  With Struts I am having a problem using this
> approach.  I defined my first option list like this :
>     <html:select property="group" onChange="submit()">
>       <html:options collection="groupOptionList"
>         property="value"
>         labelProperty="label"/>
>     </html:select>
> I also have a regular Submit button on the form.  When I select 
> an option
> from the list, I get the following javascript error :
> JavaScript Error: submit is not a function
> If I comment out the Submit button, the option list submit works.  Can
> someone let me know how I can get this to work?
> Thanks,
> Patrick Regan
> Xerox Corporation

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