The type of include you're using here is a dynamic include. Meaning that 
the page to be included isn't simply added, it's compiled into its own 
servlet, and the page's context is passed to the included servlet. For 
the tags to work in the included servlet, they need all the taglib 
imports like your original JSP would.

Or you can try the other form of include, which simply takes the file 
and puts it in the larger file when the JSP is compiled (this is the 
behavior it seems you are expecting)...
<%@ include file="my_page.jsp" %>


Bryan P. Glennon wrote:

>Hi -
>    This is really more of a JSP question, but since it involves struts
>tags I figured I'd give it a shot here. I have a page which contains a
>form built using the html:form taglib. Based on the users selection from
>that form, I go off and do some processing and redirect the user back to
>the same page. During the processing, an attribute gets set to indicate
>which detail information to include. I try to include this detail page
>(which is also an html:form form) by doing a jsp:include.  Basically,
>the page looks like this:
>       <html:form...>
>               Navigation form
>       </html:form>
>       Static stuff here
>       <jsp:include page="<%=detailPage%>" />
>       My problem is that the tags in the included page never get
>processed. So, is there anyway I can make this work?
>    Sorry again for the OT post.
>Bryan Glennon (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
>BPG Consulting, Inc. (
>Tech Question? (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
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