I would appreciate anybody that has an answer to this problem we have.

We serve our jsp and html pages on different servers with the help of a
plugin.  Let's say our jsp pages are on server1 with an alias of /server1
and html pages are on server2 with an alias of /server2.

In the template jsp file, why doesn't the following work.

<%@ page language="java" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/web-inf/struts-template.tld" prefix="template" %>

<template:insert template='/SomeTemplate.jsp'>
  <template:put name='title' content='Some Title' direct='true'/>
  <template:put name='header' content='/server2/myPage.html'/>
  <template:put name='body' content='/myPage.jsp'/>

The problem is it puts "/server1" at the front of the content properties.
Is there a way to specify another alias like this without it putting the
"/server1" in the front of the uri.


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