I just wanted to let everyone know that I just signed a contract to write a 
book on Struts for O'Reilly. The book just got underway, so
it will not be out until the late summer or early fall.

I've included a rough working outline here, but realize that it's a work in 
progress and I will continue to flush out the details over
the coming days. If you have any suggestions for things to add, please feel 
free to send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so as
to not flood the newsgroups.

I've used Struts since the beginning and watched it evolve into a the great 
framework that it is today and for sure will be
when all of the 1.1 functionality gets rolled in. I intend to cover both 
1.0 and 1.1 functionality, although I haven't figured out the
cleanest way to handle the envoling functionltiy. I've started a dialog 
with Ted and he's given me some good ideas.

I just finished co-authoring "Special Edition EJB 2.0" and "Special Edition 
Using Java 2" and I'm planning on the book
having a heavy focus on EJB and J2EE, since that is my current use of the 

The working outline follows...

O'Reilly Struts Working Outline

Chapter 1.      Introduction to Struts
   Brief History of the Web
   What are Servlets?
   JavaServer Pages Technology
   JSP Model 1 and Model 2 Architectures
   Why is Model - View - Controller So Important?
   Creation of the Struts Framework
   Alternatives to Struts
Chapter 2.       The Web Server/Servlet Container Relationship
   An Understanding of the Physical Architecture
   The Request/Response Phase Explained
   The HttpRequest, HttpResponse, and HttpSession Objects
   Using a Get Versus a Post (Where does this belong?)
   Redirecting Versus Forwarding
   Using URL Parameters
   Available Web Servers and Servlet Containers
Chapter 3.      Overview of the Struts Framework
   Looking at the Big Picture
   A Banking Account Example
   Struts Controller Components
   Struts Model Components
   The Struts View Components
   Life Cycle of a Struts Request
Chapter 4.      Configuring web.xml and struts-config.xml
Chapter 5.      Struts Controller Components
Chapter 6.      Struts Model Components
Chapter 7.      Struts View Components
Chapter 8.      Custom Tag Libraries
Chapter 9.      Building a Web Tier Framework
Chapter 10.     Exception Handling
Chapter 11.     Externalizing the Struts Validation
Chapter 12.     Internationalization and Localization
   What is Internationalization and Localization?
   Internationalizing your Struts Applications
   Determining the User Locale
   Configuring the Struts Resource Bundle
   Performing Localization with Struts
   Supporting Multiple Currencies
   Internationalizing a Database
Chapter 13.     Struts and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
   Struts and Enterprise JavaBeans
   EJB Home and Remote References
   What is a Proxy?
   The RemoteProxy Pattern
   Building a RemoteProxy Object for Your Web Application
   Using JNDI in a Struts Application
   Developing a RemoteProxy Framework
   Using Dynamic Proxies
   Using Debug Proxies
Chapter 14.     Security in your Struts Web Applications
   Web Application Security Features
     Audit Trails
   Dealing with Session Timeouts and Invalid Login Attempts
   Performing Page-Level Security
   Modifying the struts-cfg.xml for security
   Using HTTPS/SSL with Struts
Chapter 15.     Building Dynamic Menus
Chapter 16.     Paging and Sorting
Chapter 17.     Navigation Trails
Chapter 18.     Logging in a Struts Application
   Logging in a Web Application
   System versus Application Logging
   Using the Servlet Container for Logging
     Using Filters
     Using Event Listeners
   Struts Internal Log Messages
   Traditional Buy versus Build Analysis
   Using the log4j Logging Framework
     Brief look at Java Class Loaders
     What do Class Loaders have to do with log4j?
   Integrating log4j with Struts
     What are Loggers?
     Configuring log4j Appenders
     Initializing log4j
     Log file Rollover
     Setting the Log file location
     Logging within the Struts Framework
   Protecting your application from change
   Using the Log4j Tag Library
   Creating an Email Appender
   The Performance impact of Logging
   Third-Party log4j Extensions
   Java 1.4 Logging API
Chapter 19.     Addressing Performance
Chapter 20.     Struts Design Strategies
Chapter 21.     Packaging your Struts Application
Chapter 22.     Co-Branding and Personalization
Appendix A. Struts API
Appendix B. Downloading and Installing Struts
Appendix C. Struts Resources
Appednix D. Changes in Struts 1.1

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