Thanks for the input; all of it is right on track of what others have been
mentioning. I plan to tackle many of the more finer-grained issues like
request versus session storage, when to forward versus redirect, wizards,
etc... I'm going to try to wrap them into real-world, albeit small,
examples. As with any book, the problem boils down to space and time. I'm
sure that Ted and the other Author doing the Struts book for Wiley are going
through the same issues right now. 

In the end, I won't be able to cover every single topic that involes Struts
or web development. It's just not possible to do so. What I have to do is to
hit all of the major topics and as many of the smaller ones that I can.
OReilly books tend to be more for the intermediate or advanced, rather than
the absolute beginner. That's tough because it always leaves a group out,
but as someone mentioned to me earlier, you have to cut the line somewhere. 

Tiles will definitely be a topic and topics like the Struts Console from
James Holmes deserve some coverage. The IDE topic is an interesting one and
definitely worthy, but it's a question of how do I cover all of the possible
IDE's that people use. For example, here at my company, people create, edit,
and debug Struts with everything from JBuilder5, SlickEdit, TextPad, vi, and
several more. These guys are all good and have excellent debugging skills. I
believe that it's true that using an IDE and stepping through code will save
debugging time. However,  we also don't force a standard IDE down someone's
throat as long as they can code and debug fast with good quality. So that
one scares me a little. I might be able to select a few IDE's, but someone
will always get left out. The good news is that I'm still flushing out about
half of the chapters and sections, so nothing is out at this point.


-----Original Message-----
From: Sandeep Takhar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 9:49 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: OReilly Struts book

this looks quite impressive.

Some thoughts...

The examples that you give should be more than just a
banking application I think.  

I believe you should have some value-add in the book. 
For example -- when to use session storage vs request

I know there are new featues such as forwarding
actionforms (I think there is something mentioned
about this.)  It would be nice to know a practical
example of using this.

I like what you are doing with security and

two other people mentioned having something about
tiles and something about using ide's.  This has my
vote as well.  

I think that you should have as many references to
other complimentary books.  

Is the EJB section as complete as it can be?

How about team based development.  Setting up
sandboxes, issues with config files.

Are you using tomcat for examples?  How about some
configuration issues with other containers.  I am
thinking of weblogic...

Which tools to use for developing with custom tags (I
have hear of ultradev and it's add-ons is good). 
Other tools -- There have been numerous mentioned in
this list -- there was one today about tables and
another about struts code generators etc.

I also think you should keep in close contact with who
the developers are -- I bet they have some great ideas
on what to document -- what to expect etc.

just some thoughts


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