Using the STRUTS framework, a user can use <html:cancel/> to cancel forms.
As I understand it, this action places a value as a request parameter with
the name of the constant at
"org.apache.struts.taglib.html.Constants.CANCEL_PROPERTY".  If I use this
cancel button for navigation and I redirect lets say to the "return" forward
I have set up:
    <action    path = "/admin/user_save"
               type = "com.blah.actions.SaveUserAction"
               name = "userForm"
               scope = "request"
               input = "/admin/user.jsp"
               validate = "true">
      <forward name="return"               path="/admin/admin.jsp"/>
      <forward name="failure"              path="/admin/user.jsp"/>
      <forward name="success"              path="/admin/users_list.do"/>

The cancel parameter is active throughout the entire transaction. Each page
therefore performs the canceling return action all the way up to the top.
Is there a way to reset this canceling action (i.e. Parameter) so that I can
make it stop where I want it?

        user_save:      Cancels form
        Form action looks at the "return" value
        The user is redirected to the return page and processing stops

I can do this with custom tags, but I thought using cancel would be easier.
Any thoughts?

        Thanks :-)

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