Thanks, David...very interesting.  Too often, I think, Java programmers take
error handling for granted and do not think past the compiler objecting to
an unhandled possible error condition by insisting that the exception be
thrown or caught.  I think it's clear that the decision to declare an
exception thrown in the method signature is much less costly than a
try-catch-throw new block.  And I'd be willing to bet even fewer consider
alternative error handling than the try-catch block. It's clear this can
have a major impact of the performance of an application.

This just came into my head as I was sitting here coding yesterday morning.
I turned to several of my colleagues and asked if anyone knew the
performance ramifications of throws vs. try-catch and no one did.  Looking
at the Java exception handling mechanism from the JVM level is fascinating.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Hamilton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2002 5:28 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Basic (esoteric) Question


>From what Bill Venners says in 'Inside the Java2 Virtual Machine', the
handling sequence goes like this:

The JVM searches the class exception table for an entry that included the
current program counter (PC) location.
If found the associated handler is called.
If not entry is found, the top frame is popped off the stack, and the search
is repeated for the newly current PC location.

Popping the stack will have minimal overhead (since it occurs at the end of
every method call).

This suggests that the overhead of throwing an exception will be
* Cost of object creation of exception
* Cost of searching the exception tables (proportional to the number of
exception handlers in the class X number of methods between thrower and

I don't know what the relative contribution of these parts would be, but my
guess would be that the object creation overhead would generally (VM
dependant of course) be noticeably greater.

[Second bit assumes all methods are in the same class - but the principle is
similar across many classes]

As an aside, a quick quote from a JavaWorld article on performance:
"Since exception handling shouldn't be done on a speed-critical path, this
doesn't bother me and I haven't benchmarked it."

I.E.  Exceptions should be used to handle exceptional conditions
(non-standard program flows).  If this is part of your standard program
flow, you should probably be looking at a rework to return an error code
rather than throwing an exception.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Galbreath, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Servlets (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "J2ee (E-mail)"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Struts (E-mail)"
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 4:46 PM
Subject: Basic (esoteric) Question

> Does anybody know of any design considerations that would affect the
> performance of a method that declares a <throws> in its signature vs. an
> exception that is either caught or thrown new in the <try-catch> block?
> Mark
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