Hello all,

I have a small Javascript function for validating if a field is required or
not.  I would like to use it with the "onblur" attribute on the html tag.
If the field is empty, then I would like to reapply focus to the filed and
display a message to the user forcing them to fill in the field.  Additional
validation will be added in the future via regular expressions to ensure
that the data type is correct.


When I go to leave the field the "blur" event firers and I see the message
'Mandatory field.....'.  I then apply focus back to the requesting field and
return 'false' which I thought would prevent the passing of "focus" to the
next field; this was however wrong.  What happens is it just goes between
the two fields display the message 'Mandatory field.....' until I kill the
browser (IE 5.5).

So the basic code looks like this:

<script language="Javascript">
function checkValue(field, required, regFormat) {

        if (field.value!="") {
                return true;

      if (required) {
            alert('Mandatory field.  Place field specific message here....');
            return false;

        return true;


<FORM validate=onsubmit="alert('submitted');return false;">
    <TD colspan="2">
          <TD>Date before <SMALL>MM/DD/YYYY</SMALL>:</TD>
          <TD><INPUT type="text" name="before" onblur="checkValue(this,
true, '');"></TD>
          <TD>Date After <SMALL>MM/DD/YYYY</SMALL>:</TD>
          <TD><INPUT type="text" name="after" onblur="checkValue(this, true,

Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated.

Todd G. Nist

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