I've tried going straight to the display page and then I get the new, blank
element and form, but lose the prior existing form fields (home phone).

-----Original Message-----
From: Ted Husted [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2002 4:14 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: dynamic form action flow

> SavePhoneNumberAction.java --> editPhoneNumbers.do

It may be that this is looking up the original phone number again. 

If so, this is also where the recyling message could be coming into it. 

Do you want to go back through the edit action, or straight to the
display page?

-- Ted Husted, Husted dot Com, Fairport NY USA.
-- Java Web Development with Struts.
-- Tel +1 585 737-3463.
-- Web http://www.husted.com/struts/

Jeff Oberlander wrote:
> Ok, I've wasted an embarrassing amount of time on this and would
> any help.  Its night now and no progress has been made.  This is another
> action flow question.  Maybe there is a sample somewhere that does this?
> apologize that this is long.
> I have an action form that contains an ArrayList of items (lets say phone
> numbers). The form allows me to edit existing numbers or add new ones.
> When I go to the editPhoneNumbers.jsp page, it displays all of my phone
> numbers based on the ArrayList with a button to add another and a button
> save the form. I start with a single phone number - e.g. my home number.
> you hit "add", the form should be re-displayed with 2 phone number fields
> my home one, and a new blank one - both editable.
> This is the action flow I currently have:
> editPhoneNumbers.do --> EditPhoneNumberAction.java (input is
> - containing an ArrayList of numbers) - this loads my current phone
> from the data store into the form.
> EditPhoneNumberAction --> editPhoneNumber.jsp - this displays the form.
> editPhoneNumber.jsp --> SavePhoneNumberAction.java (action = add | save)
> SavePhoneNumberAction.java - if the action is add, I add an empty
> PhoneNumber object to the ActionForm ArrayList, then I want to redisplay
> form with the original item, and the blank new one.
> SavePhoneNumberAction.java --> editPhoneNumbers.do
> Loop is complete.
> I thought this would be as simple as adding a new item to the ArrayList in
> the form and forwarding on the original form.  It doesn't work.  I keep
> getting back (in the display) only my home phone number (the original form
> without the new object)  I suspect it is related to this log message:
> "Recycling existing ActionForm bean instance of class ".  Another
> interesting point is even though I explicitly set the action property of
> form in SavePhoneNumberAction, it always comes into EditPhoneNumberAction
> null.
> --
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