Hello, I am evaluating the usage of struts w/ JBOSS and have a design
Firstly, I am keeping all my EJB interaction in my Action classes. One
thing I am unsure of is what I should do on my ActionForward. That is,
should I be placing my EJB directly into the session, or should I be
re-populating some ActionForm w/ the values I received, or perhaps I
should be creating regular Java Beans as value objects??? 
Take for instance a login example. My action interacts with an entity
bean to authenticate the user. Shall I put the bean into the response?
I've read this as a practice in some cases, but would really like some
clarity? Or is it case driven? 
At any rate, when I try this approach in my JSP I always receive a
ClassCastException. Any thoughts would be appreciated. 
Thanks, Rock - the newbie

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