The problem is not that it is "speaking" on port 443, but that it is using http not 

This is what I think is happening...
1. A request is sent from the client to "https://hostname/appname/index.jsp";
2. Apache 1.3.22 recieves this request and verifies the users certificate and keys.
3. Apache querys the modWebApp if it should pass this requst to the warp connector.
4. A _NEW_ unencrypted [http] request is generated by Apache [or the warp connector] 
and sent to the servlet container [Tomcat 4.0.1]
5. The request generated by Apache is not encrypted, so when "request.getRequestURL()" 
is called, it responds as "http", and it adds the port because 443 is not the default 
http port.  So the resulting URL is "http://hostname:443/appname/index.jsp";.

The only work around I have found is to only use relative paths in my application 
[i.e. no html:base or html:image tags]

Nathan Anderson
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