Hello everyone

I am going through the Struts example v 1.0.1, and I ran into a problem that
I am sure some of you have ran into or know the answer.

In the above mentioned app, there is a SaveRegistrationAction action class
with the following code I am interested in:

if (isCancelled(request)) {
            if (servlet.getDebug() >= 1)
                servlet.log(" Transaction '" + action + "' was cancelled");
            if (mapping.getAttribute() != null)

1-------->          //return(mapping.findForward("test";
2-------->          return (mapping.findForward("success"));

This is the following behaviour I have:

1- in the Registration form, I press the Cancel button, which will run
through the above described code and the control goes to the logon.jsp page
instead of going to the one defined by "success" which is main.jsp.
   question: how come?

2- if i comment the "return (mapping.findForward("success")) " line and
place " return ( mapping.findForward("test")), it does go to the main.jsp
page but this is also not the right behaviour since the control should go to
the page defined in "test" which is a html file.

Any hints?

thanking in you advance guys

Patria Handatjaia Lukman
Java Developer

NdexSystems Inc. 360 St-Jacques Ouest, Suite 2000
Montréal, Qc. H2Y 1P5
Office phone: 1-514-288-0908 Ext 110

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