In a particular scenario im populating my form using logic:iterate
with data fetched based on a query the user may edit or view the same(for
each row)

lets say im populating my order form with line item enrty and the user wants
to edit or view each line item

Now how can one generate and track the row we have any tags or
attribues for any 
tag to do the same.

If a tag attribute is doing the same then how can one get the index value

I have tried using
<html:link  page="/" paramId = "<% = index1 %>">
<bean:message key="edit.lineitems"/>
inside the logic:iterate tag

is paramId generating an index value if so how do i track/fetch it and at
the same time
if we use indexed then what should be the value of indexed attribute

do we have a clear cut solution for this scenarion...any links or resources 

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