out of curiosity, how are you doing the server side transaction
asynchronously?  you can't block on the request thread, so obviously
you hurl a "prosessing page" and close the socket..
but in the back end, how is the request processed?

i just finished a credit card processor application where
i used meta-refresh in the web page with a timestamp to handle a timeout.
but in the initial request i use JMS (java message service) to queue
a request to a destinination and that request is handled my a JMS message
JMS processes the request and stores/commits the response in the target
payment record.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Tyrrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 11:25 AM
Subject: Showing a result after a long running query

Hello all,

I have looked at the struts docs and all over the net and I have posted to
forums at java.sun.com.

I want to show a user a page that says I am working on your problem and then
when the processing is done I will send to them/display for them the output
of the long running database query/process whatever.

Note I do not want the working in progress page to be shown again if I hit
the back button of the browser. I should just get to the form that I
inputted my parameters into to get the process rolling.

Does struts support this?
Does anyone know how to do this with some other technology?

This seems like a common problem and there should be an easy solution or at
least you would think so.

Thank You
Jim Tyrrell

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