> > I'm getting an error on my page, because I haven't done this, from
> > html:errors, but short of getting rid of html:errors, is there a way to
> > tell struts I don't need a form?
> If you don't have form then you probably don't need the html:errors.

I do need html:errors on the page, because in the Action I fetch data for an iterate, 
and sometimes that goes wrong. 

> > When I setup an Action, is an ActionForm required even if I dont have a
> > form on my page?
> You can create a mapping that does not require an action form. It works 
> perfectly fine. Just don't include the form attribute. Or you can have a 
> bollocks form name it works fine.

How do I create a mapping that doesn't need an ActionForm? Could you give me the XML? 
Currently I've got the following with a dummy form and an empty dummy class, but if I 
get rid of the name attribute, it gives an ActionError:

<action    path="/questionSetList"
  validate="false" >
  <forward name="success" path="/evote/questionsetlist.jsp"/>

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