Arron Bates wrote:

> [ ...cut... ]
> The nested tags as of mid Jan (nightly build and separate jars) are 
> able to reference the current parent directly using the "this/" or 
> "./" properties (same thing, just allowing for different tastes). Any 
> property with "/" on the end will be treated as a parent reference. If 
> you use anything else eg "somethingElse/" it will also be treated as a 
> relative reference and step back through the last parent and reference 
> the parent object before it.
> This allows you to write out the String value of the current parent 
> object, and various other uses like being able to write out a 
> collection of Strings etc.

I guess I just am having a "lack-of-understanding" problem with regards 
to nested:link then.  When I use the "this/", I still can't get the HREF 
to be correctly generated.  Given the following:

    <nested:iterate property="transactions">
        <nested:link page="/do/secure/viewTrans" ???>
            <nested:write property="transactionKey">

What is the proper combination (or incantation) of attributes that will 
append to the page link the query "?transactionKey=1001" (or whatever 
the current iteration value for transaction.getTransactionKey() is)?

>> Note:  Manipulating the Collection as an Array (IMHO) is not a good 
>> solution -- and the nested iterator is already pointing at the 
>> current transaction. 
> What do you mean by this exactly?...

Not really sure any more -- yesterday was a LONG day (as today will be 
as well...)

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