I have copy pasted your lines :

<bean:define id="formAction" value="/test" />
<%=formAction%><br />
<%= 1+1 %><br />
<bean:write name="formAction" filter="true" /><br />

and I obtain the expected output:


The error must come from elsewhere.
What error do you obtain ?


Antony Stace wrote:

>Thank you very much for your reply Patrick.
>I got an error with the <%=formAction%> line.  As test I tried
><bean:define id="formAction" value="/test" />
>in my jsp page, I always get an error, it is strange since
><%= 1+1 %>   and
><bean:write name="formAction" filter="true" />
>works fine.  Any ideas why
>is giving an error?
>On Tue, 19 Feb 2002 12:05:27 +0100
>Patrick Refondini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>the wrong syntax seems to come from my previous quick and dirty answer :(
>>1. bean:define value must not be define as body content but as value 
>>2. forget about action='<bean:write name="formAction">'  it compiles but 
>>the bean:write tag is not interpreted so at runtime the action looked 
>>for is <bean:write name="formAction">
>>This time I tested the following code sample, it works :)
>>    <bean:define id="formAction" value="/test" />
>>    <html:form action='<%=formAction%>' >
>>      (...)
>>    </html:form>
>>Hereafter corrections regarding your example
>>Antony Stace wrote:
>>>Can someone please give me the syntax for defining the action using the contents of
>>>formAction in the <html:form> line.
>>>><bean:define id="formAction" >defaultAction</bean:define>
>>should become 
>><bean:define id="formAction" value="defaultAction" />
>>>><logic:equal name="testPageBean" property="typeOfProcess" value="add">
>>>><bean:define id="formAction" >/addUser</bean:define>
>><bean:define id="formAction" value="/addUser" />
>>>><logic:equal name="testPageBean" property="typeOfProcess" value="modify">
>>>><bean:define id="formAction" >/modifyUser</bean:define>
>><bean:define id="formAction" value="/modifyUser"/>
>>>><html:form action='<bean:write name="formAction">' focus="username">
>>>><html:form action='<%=formAction%>' focus="username">
>>This one should work 
>><html:form action='<%=formAction%>' focus="username">
>>I hope this time your problem is solved ...
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